
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The invention of extruding machine

The word ‘extrusion’ refers to a process by which a liquid to a semiliquid product is forced through a die opening of the desired cross section.

The principles involved in cooking extrusion are basically the same as for the thermoplastic extrusion of polymers as they apply to food polymers.

The earliest documented example of an extrusion processing machine is a rubber masticator consisting of a toothed rotor turned by a winch inside a toothed cylindrical cavity.

Thomas Hancock developed it in 1820 in England, to reclaim scraps of processed natural rubber.

Later in 1845 a patent was filed by Richard Brooman and modified by Henry Bewley, for the extrusion of Gutta Percha to coat copper conductors.

The birth of extruder, which plays such a dominant role in polymer processing, is linked to the 1879 patent of Mathew Gray in England. At the same time Royle in the United States also developed a screw machine. 

There is a broad variety of twin and multiple screws mixers and extruders; some of them are also used in the food industry.

Extrusion is a frequently used forming technology in the food industry, where the food material may be mixed, wetted, melted, cooked and/or cold, before begin forced through a die in order to achieve a given product shape, and even texture.

Proteins and starches are subjected to high temperatures, pressure and shear rates inside the barrel of the extruder, where a screw routes at high speed.
The invention of extruding machine

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